As you sit and watch the thoughts, as in thought watching thought, one thought comes up which then becomes a chain. Here, use your
MoreSri M said…
Vedanta says: when the mind understands its inability to reach out and find it, it finally rests or lets go; it surrenders, becomes still and quiet naturally, not forcibly. Then, when the mind and the senses have ceased their function, in that tranquility and absolute stillness, there is what is actually there.
MoreSri M said…
Blankness is very frightful for us. This is so because the mind thinks it will lose its hold, that we will soon be free of it.
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‘Viveka’ means ‘intelligence’; the reasoning and effort to understand what is permanent and what is not. And ‘Vichara’ is
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Have you opened your window and, by accident, suddenly noticed a full moon, a beautiful night, and for a few seconds,
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Imagination or visualization is a divine capacity given to the human mind by which it can visualize and create reality out of its visualizations.
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When you churn your mind in meditation, which means, when you delve deeper and deeper into the layers of your mind, the first thing that comes out
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No known modes of enquiry, no instruments of perception like the five senses, nor even the mind with its vast imagination
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Look carefully and observantly at the outside world—the physical world, the substance as we know it—setting aside all other preconceived ideas
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The deity is the media through which you reach the Absolute. The Absolute is not Brahma the creator, but the Para Brahman.
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The highest function of the intelligence, according to the Upanishads, is to realise its limitations. When it has realised its limitations, it just keeps quiet.
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I look at this world and I see, through ordinary common sense, that it is not permanent. It is not permanent, it is temporary
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In the Mundaka Upanishad, knowledge is mentioned as ‘vidya’ and has been divided into ‘Para-vidya’ and ‘Apara-vidya’. In ‘Apara vidya’,
MoreSri M said…
I am talking about what we think and how we act. If these two things can go together, then meditation begins.
MoreVideos | Talks by Sri M | An Introduction to Sthithaprajna
A ‘Sthithaprajna’ is one whose state of mind has become balanced, is steady and unruffled and yet active.