Sri M in USA 2024 | The Fall Program

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce Sri M’s Fall 2024 programs.

1) Bhagavat Saptah retreat with Sri M in New Jersey from Oct 5 to 12. Registrations are already open. Click here for Registrations.

2) Kriya Yoga and Upanishad retreats with Sri M at Sacred Grove, Texas will be held from Oct 18 to 30. For more details on each retreat, please click here.

Registration for Kriya retreats will be via raffle process and opens on Saturday, July 27th at 9 am PDT and will be open for 24 hours.

Upanishad retreat registrations open on Tuesday, July 30th at 9am PDT.

Volunteering for Sacred Grove retreats will open on Saturday, August 3rd at 9 am PDT.

Please write to for any queries related to the Sacred Grove retreats.


About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.