According to Vedanta, the entire Cosmos is a completely seamless, continuous unity—the one that contains within itself,
According to Vedanta, the entire Cosmos is a completely seamless, continuous unity—the one that contains within itself,
MoreAn isolated understanding of something is a great detriment to the complete understanding of one’s self
MoreThe Vedantin searching for the truth comes across a certain set of conclusions and says
MoreThe whole theory of Maya does not mean that the world is an illusion.
MoreWhen it comes to enquiry, or going within and finding oneself, one has to discard a number of misunderstandings
MoreDivine Love is to be understood through ordinary love.
MoreThe best prayer is, ‘God, you know what’s in my heart; I don’t need to tell you.
MoreOne who’s on the spiritual journey should not cry over what he loses.
MoreOne who’s on the spiritual journey should not cry over what he loses.
MoreWhether we are on the path of spiritual progress or not, very often we don’t get what we want.
MoreA teacher should be a polished mirror.So that when one looks at it …
MoreThe entire teaching of the Upanishads concerns the kind of knowledge
MoreYoga is the cessation of all the modifications of the mind.
MoreSatya Kama means ‘one whose only desire is the Truth’.
MoreThe illusion is that life is one smooth movement, while actually life is full of ups and downs.