I would like to tell you a little story that actually is from the ancient Jain system of thought. It was adapted and adopted by a great Sufi who made it very popular, whose name was Maulana Jalal-ud-Din Rumi, who started the order of the whirling dervishes. And then Ramakrishna Paramahamsa loved the story and so on.
MoreWhat is Guru Yoga?
Meditate on the teacher, but listen to the teaching. Certain amount of discipline is required. Especially, listen to the words that the teacher is saying and act accordingly. If you don’t, no matter if you do your kriya in sirsasana, nothing will happen. keep this in mind.
MoreJudgment and Discrimination
You cannot judge an action of an inanimate or a non-living object, or a non human object. You cannot judge a poor dog. It barks when it is afraid.
MoreSri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, a spiritual scientist
When Swami Vivekananda was asked in England, can you please define your master, he said, for some time he kept quiet, then he said, a speck of dust from those blessed feet could have created a thousand Vivekanandas, what more shall I say and keep quiet. This is Sri Ramakrishna for you.
MorePitfalls that one faces on the spiritual path
It is better not to have a Guru than end up in wrong hands. So what sort of pitfalls? Pitfalls inside and outside.
MoreHow should one pray to the Lord?
From my point of view, you pray as you like. What I would say is just go there and start by saying that you who are sitting here, who are represented here, are no different from the supreme being.
MoreA young boy asks for 3 boons
Sri M narrates the story of Nachiketas, a young boy, discussing the important question of Death and immortality with Yama, the Lord of Death.
MoreWhy is surrender so difficult?
Krishna has also talked about surrender, but in the actual field of action, in the Kurukshetra war, he is asking Arjuna not to surrender his weapons but to take them up and fight because he is doing a rightful battle to protect dharma; therefore but he says surrender unto me.
MoreIt’s time to take a step forward once more
It’s time to take a step forward once more, for the New Year is at hand.
One can move from ‘the past’ to ‘the present’ and turn over a new leaf in one’s life. Change completely if required and have a new life altogether!
Significance of Sadhana
There are people who may have not done any sadhana that you know of, in this life. But to whom compassion comes naturally.
MoreThe Illusions under which we live
Do we have a clear grasp of the world in general, or ourselves in particular or, are we under some kind of illusion, behind a veil, that we cannot pierce to see reality?
MoreUnexplored Potential of Human Life
The Upanishads say that the beginning of all civilisations, the beginning of all life, the movement of the first life on earth, this entire cosmos, everything started from what is complete: purna.
MoreOpen your Heart to Krishna
All the leelas mentioned in Srimad Bhagavtam, that were performed should not be misunderstood. People generally don’t read the Bhagwat from Chapter 1. They immediately go to Canto 10 and read only about the Ras leela.
MoreHow can I overcome my struggle with laziness and lack of discipline?
Discipline is a very general term because discipline can be good, and discipline can be bad. Discipline can be a pain in the neck and discipline can be enjoyable.
MoreSignificance of a Spiritual Guru and How to find one
How will you identify your Guru? From his attire, rudraksh, from his long hair or by his long beard?