


1 August 2024 Kolhapur, India Talk on Sri M’s Public Talk on “The Worship of Energy : A Historical and Cultural Perspective” (Details)
2 August 2024 Pune, India Talk on Sri M’s Public Talk on “Exploring the Inner World and Sanatan Dharma in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta” (Details)
17-18 August 2024 Bhopal, India Talk on ‘Concept of Shakti in Upanishadic Wisdom’ (Details)
25-27 August 2024 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sri M will be visiting Malaysia for Talks and Satsangs, from 25-27 August 2024 (Details)
5-12 October 2024 New Jersey, USA The Bhagavat Saptah retreat during the Fall, at New Jersey, with Sri M. (Details)
18-30 October 2024 Texas, USA Kriya Yoga and Upanishad retreats with Sri M at Sacred Grove, Texas (Details)

Swadhyaya, Self study Retreats at The Sacred Grove, Chowdepalle

Online Talks and Sessions with Sri M are scheduled & streamed live on a regular basis on the official YouTube channel. You can also join us on Social Media for live talks & videos on various topics.

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Sri M’s Programs