The world is a testing point. Therefore we need some periods of solitude
The world is a testing point. Therefore we need some periods of solitude
MoreIf you say that I depend on God or the Supreme Being
MoreThe ancient teachers said that there is a link between your breathing pattern
MoreChange has to come from within, it cannot be brought from outside.
MoreWhen a person has unquestioned faith in his own capacity for achieving a goal,
MoreIf you want to delve deep into the layers of your consciousness
MoreIt’s quite natural that sometimes the mind would want an excuse,
MoreWe cannot do anything about the past so we have to work with the present,
MoreTo be eternally vigilant is the beginning of the journey.
MoreOne-pointedness is a complete stillness of mind where there is no thought whatsoever.
MoreBecome independent. Follow the teachings. Come for satsangs.