If you want to delve deep into the layers of your consciousness
MoreSri M said…
It’s quite natural that sometimes the mind would want an excuse,
MoreSri M said…
We cannot do anything about the past so we have to work with the present,
MoreSri M said…
To be eternally vigilant is the beginning of the journey.
MoreSri M said…
One-pointedness is a complete stillness of mind where there is no thought whatsoever.
MoreSri M said….
Become independent. Follow the teachings. Come for satsangs.
MoreSri M said…
There is a way to be free while still living in this world, performing your duties,
MoreSri M said…
If you look closely, all through our lives, we go through periods of bondage
MoreSri M said…
Freedom is Mukti, Vedantins call it Moksha, Yogis call it Kaivalya, Buddhists call it Nirvana
MoreSri M said….
The practice of Yoga or any sadhana is how to open these windows and doors,
MoreSri M said…
Yoga Shastra is necessary. Gita has 18 chapters, each chapter is called a Yoga.
MoreSri M said….
In the present circumstances of your capacity of your brain,
MoreSri M said…
Jesus Christ in the Bible said, ‘Every hill shall be brought low and every valley shall be filled’.
MoreSri M said…
People usually think spiritual realisation is for free. This is not true.
MoreSri M said…
Does freedom happen in stages? I would say,