Shakti worship during Navratri

In Navratri we worship Shakti and the different forms of Shakti, Sri Vidya, of the Devi, Tripurasundari, Rajarajeshwari etc. This universal energy is residing in all human beings in the mooladhara chakra; the lowest center. According to Saundarya Lahiri, she resides in the mooladhara, coiled three and a half times, like a snake.


Significance of Lord Ganesha

Ganesha is usually represented as having two Shaktis, two concerts, one is Siddhi and the other is Buddhi.  According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the extraordinary capacities and the powers that a yogi acquires when the connection between his Muladhara and Sahasrara is established are called the Ashta Siddhis. 
