In the 2nd satsang, Sri M continues his explanation of the 15th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita – Purushothama Yoga which is followed by a Q&A session
In the 2nd satsang, Sri M continues his explanation of the 15th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita – Purushothama Yoga which is followed by a Q&A session
MoreThe concluding satsang with Sri M on 29th Sept. 2018, at the Cynham retreat where he answers questions relating to one’s spiritual progress.
MoreThe 1st Satsang at the Retreat followed by Q&A with Sri M in Cynham in The Netherlands on 27th Sept. 2018.
MoreAn interaction with Sri M that took place followed by a Q&A session on the topic – “Man’s Search for Happiness,” on 24th Sept. 2018, during his trip to The Netherlands.
MoreThe complete program that took place at the Sufi Centre in The Hague – Sri M’s speech followed by Q&A on the 22nd of Sept. 2018
MoreSri M is interviewed by young people and he answers various questions like, “How do we bring about unity in diversity in our daily life?
MoreSatsang (Session 2 on 8th Sept.) followed by Q&A on with Sri M at the retreat at Claymont in West Virginia from 7th to 9th September 2018.
MoreA brief talk by Sri M was followed by a Q&A session at the International Monetary Fund at Washington D.C., USA on the 5th of September 2018
MoreKrishna – Satsang followed by Q&A with Sri M at the Siva Vishnu Temple in Lanham, Maryland USA on the occasion of ‘Janmashtami’ on 2nd September 2018
MoreSri M answers many questions at the Satsang at Berkeley Service Space on the 18th of August, 2018 in USA
More“How does one deal with the problems of daily life” – asks Ms Sandhya Prathap in her interview with Sri M
MoreQ & A with Sri M, in continuation of the Satsang on the Ishavasya Upanishad during the retreat at Mt.Madonna on 11th August, 2018.
MoreSri M speaks about the importance of Solitude and silencing the mind in the spiritual path, followed by Q&A on Day 4 of Satsang in the Alps on 20th July 2018.
MoreSri M in discussion with Swami Amarananda and the group participants on 15th July 2018 at Centre Vedantique, Geneva, Switzerland.
MoreSri M explains the ‘Theory of Kriya Yoga’ followed by Q&A in the 3rd satsang at the Retreat in Villa Unspunnen in Wilderswil Switzerland on Day 2 – 14th July 2018.