Talk by Sri M – ‘Yoga – The Dynamic Science of Living’ – at The London Nehru Centre followed by a Q&A session.
Talk by Sri M – ‘Yoga – The Dynamic Science of Living’ – at The London Nehru Centre followed by a Q&A session.
MoreSri M answers questions like, “What is the purpose of life in this materialistic world”…and so on in the Q&A session at the London Nehru Center
MoreThe two-part video of Satsang and the Q & A at the Kodagu Retreat by Sri M, held from 17th – 20th Jan, 2018.
MoreSri M answers question on whether one can chant the Gayatri while one goes about one’s daily chores.
MoreSri M answers this question and dispels the myth that it is wrong for women to chant the Gayatri Mantra.
MoreSri M answers a question on the number of times the Gayatri Mantra should be chanted,
MoreSri M answers a question : “Can you tell us about the different types of Gayatri, the one usually chanted being called ‘Surya Gayatri’?
MoreSri M answers the question : Is it necessary to practice the rituals of the Sandhyavandana before chanting the Gayatri mantra?
MoreSri M answers a question on the spiritual practices of Sikhism; if it is necessary to continue the practices daily with respect to the spiritual path.
MoreSri M answers question – “When I try to work on my ego, I am aware and I watch myself.
MoreOn the preparations and precautions one must take while travelling on the spiritual path
MoreSri M answers a question – “Even while one is diligently practising meditation and sadhana, why does one give way to anger?”
MoreThere is another type of Vedanta which is called Bhakti Vedanta. Personally I feel without any kind of devotion it is not possible to proceed anywhere.
MoreOn how societal interaction and periods of solitude are both necessary for spiritual progression
MoreIf you believe that the Supreme Being knows exactly what is needed for you.