That thing called Love, is the only thing that we know which is outside the construct of our intellect
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On the concept of ‘Now’
Sri M speaks on the concept of ‘Now’ and how living and allowing ourselves to experience every moment
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On Pleasant and Unpleasant thoughts
Sri M answers the question on whether it is better to dwell on pleasant rather than unpleasant thoughts.
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On Grace
“Grace has no past, no present”, Sri M speaks on the role of grace in the spiritual path.
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | The concept of Sat-Chit-Ananda
Sri M on the importance of emotions play in the path of self-discovery .
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On Religion ( With Transcripts)
Sri M’s four-part interview with Manorama Online, along with the transcripts
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On Sadhana
Sri M speaks about Sadhana, an innate ‘cleaning up” process and the propensity to wait with humility.
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | Effect of the sound of a mantra, on the mind
Sound has two effects. One is the meaning of the sound and the other is the vibration of the sound
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | How does one handle Jealousy?
Sri M elaborates on why we have negative tendencies ( with specific reference to jealousy).
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On two different Kabir Dohas
Sri M on how or why Kabir Das appears to be giving two contradictory views through two of his Dohas.
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On reacting to Pain & Sorrow
Sorrow will come in eitherway, along with the joys. If there is some joy, there is sorrow.
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On Namajapa
With continuous Namajapa, the energies of the mind which are going in different patterns slowly gets condensed into one motion
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On One’s Spiritual Goal
Sri M answers the question – ‘Reaching the spiritual goal, is it a matter of grace or time or effort?
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | Exploring the concept of Miracles
“There are some laws of nature which most people do not know that a yogi knows .”
MoreVideos | Q & A with Sri M | On Facing Challenges
Sri M begins by reaffirming the fact that as long we are living in this world, we need to sort out our issues here, amongst us.