“The moment you try to maintain it, there is a conflict.When silence comes, enjoy it. Live with it. When it goes, leave it.
“The moment you try to maintain it, there is a conflict.When silence comes, enjoy it. Live with it. When it goes, leave it.
More“A very difficult word this is, Surrender,” says Sri M, as he tries to explain the nuances of the term, while adding a word of caution.
MoreNormally, what we mean by worship is ‘I regard somebody as someone special, and I worship that person.’
MoreSri M speaks on the ideas of “stillness” and “bliss” and tries to broadly differentiate the two “states” of mind.
More“Empty yourself, is the most difficult thing to do”, says Sri M as he speaks on the Biblical reference of “Empty Thyself, and I shall fill Thee”.
More“First Yama – Ahimsa is to not cause injury to other living beings. To start with in day to day life there has to be a certain amount of moderation in practising this…”
MoreSri M – After speaking about the influence of grace, effort and time, Sri M explains a little more on the role of effort in the spiritual journey.
MoreSri M answers – “Is deep feeling necessary for spiritual enquiry? I would say, Yes! Without deep feeling nobody will even go into spiritual enquiry.
MoreSri M answers the question, “Reaching one’s spiritual goal, is it a matter of grace, effort or time?” – “It is a combination of all three….”
MoreSri M – “For one who is a serious seeker of the truth, both long-term and short-term goals are one and the same.”
More“One day there is an irresistible love for God… It depends on one’s evolution” – Sri M