A tranquil retreat

Consecrated by Sri M on 17 July 2024, the Adinath Sri Guru Mahavatar Babaji Temple looms large as seekers enter the portals of The Satsang Foundation Ashram at Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh. The gentle gray facade, glass-vaulted ceiling, and transparent walls beckon the faithful to retreat into a tranquil space, in the serene presence of Sri Guru Mahavatar Babaji seated in Padmasana, against the backdrop of rough-hewn rocks.
Daily devotion from dawn to dusk
The divine reverberations of the conch and bells ring in the day as the dawn arati is performed at 6 a.m. with grace and devotion, setting the tone for a day filled with mindful contemplation and purposeful activities. The devout prostrate before the presiding deity and offer flowers at the Sri Yantra and Sri Guru Babaji’s sacred padukas while fragrant sandalwood paste and a simple prasadam complete their darshan. They can then move on to partake of annadaanam seva at the dining hall of Madhu Ki Rasoi, the community kitchen of The Satsang Foundation.

Evenings are ushered in with melodious bhajans sung with great reverence by residents and visitors alike before the dusk arati, creating an ethereal atmosphere within the sacred precincts of the temple and the Ashram.
As the curtains fall
The young, dedicated caretaker of the temple signals the close of the day at 8 p.m. with a patient gaze as quiet meditators and aspirants on the spiritual path bow down and take the blessings of Adinath Sri Guru Mahavatar Babaji before the curtains are drawn for the day.
To know more about the temple and the sevas offered at this biggest temple of Sri Guru Mahavatar Babaji, write to us at connect@satsang-foundation.org.