Q: What is that 1 experience that you are extremely grateful for that has prominently shaped you into who you are today?
Sri M: For me, meeting a very extraordinary person very early in life, is something which I am ever, ever thankful about. Because, that time I was like clay–shapeless.He managed to put me into some kind of a frame but which did not freeze. It is not a frozen frame. It keeps changing, It keeps moving. So that was brought about by a person whom I call my teacher, my Guru. I am always indebted to him, always thankful whenever I think. He saved me from becoming an idiot, actually.
In the early days, I once went to Banaras. In the morning at 4:00 o’clock, I went and jumped into the Ganga to have a bath because I thought that was penance. Babaji called me at 9:00 o’clock. He said, “I thought I was going to make you into a sort of a Buddha, I made you into”buddhu “. Who would go and jump at 4:00? Are you out of your mind?” He said, “11:30 am- 12 pm , when the water is warm, go have a bath”
I said, “But I wanted to meditate”. He said, “You can meditate without that early morning freezing bath”. So you see—practical, full of wisdom, kind.
He used to walk on the Gangotri glacier barefoot. He always made sure I had shoes- “Muffler le liya kya (Did you take the muffler?). He said, “If you imitate me you will die.” So, I learnt one important lesson. Do not imitate anybody, good or bad. All these things make me feel very grateful to this being.
– Extract from Under The Peepal Tree with Sri M – Part 2 https://youtu.be/4Ww8tdJXxco
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