Healthcare has been a crucial concern off late throughout the world, and more so in remote areas of Madanapalle, where thousands of rural population struggle to get adequate medical facilities. Sri M – Social Reformer and Spiritual Master, recognised this much ahead and started a free outpatient clinic—the Satsang Swasthya Kendra—at The Satsang Foundation Campus in Madanapalle. This has grown year on year, with better facilities including a state-of-the-art ambulance service, started last year—the first time such an Advanced Emergency Medical Transport System has been created in Madanapalle—saving many lives.
However, there was still a need for critically ill patients to be transported to distant places like Chennai, Bangalore and Tirupati. Taking matters at hand, Sri M decided to establish a state of the art and multi speciality hospital at Madanapalle.
SWAASTHYA HOSPITAL has begun to take shape with the generous support of people who believed in the same vision. The foundation was laid 11 months ago at the hands of the Honourable President of India, Sri Ram Nath Kovind. In a short span of time, the building has come up to the second floor, with one more floor to be added. The facility will be a 100-bed Speciality Hospital, with 50 beds becoming functional in the First Phase. Of these, 50% of the beds will be dedicated to free treatment for the rural, poor and the tribal population. A large team is working relentlessly to put everything in place, including infrastructure, manpower, technology, medical equipment, support services and resource pooling. The Hospital has been well-designed with the best clinical processes to make it operationally efficient and patient friendly.
Trauma Centre at the Swaasthya Hospital
It is only in an emergency that we rely on local medical facilities, and the first hour after the onset of any emergency, particularly in injuries, is very crucial and is therefore rightfully called the “GOLDEN HOUR”. Every minute counts and timely intervention often decides the fate of those individuals. Lack of timely care or any delay can result in increased complications, disability, death, extended hospital stay and poor recovery. This can be totally avoided by simply providing treatment locally, within the Golden Hour.
This is the intention behind the creation of the Trauma Centre at the Swaasthya Hospital.
This centre will have state-of-the-art infrastructure, technology, processes and protocols. The centre is equipped with:
1. Ambulance Bay.
2. Readily placed stretchers and wheelchairs to receive emergency patients.
3. Reception Area.
4. Triage area where in Airway, Breathing, Circulation and Disability will be evaluated (ABCD) including the severity of emergency, and priorities established and stabilised.
5. Investigation area, where head-to-toe evaluation, called Primary survey, will be performed and investigated simultaneously and appropriately.
6. Shock Room and an isolation room with full resuscitation facility.
7. High level Observation Area.
8. Operating Room within the Complex.
9. Observation and Waiting Area.
10. Access to Imaging and Lab Services.
11. Office of the Emergency Medical Officer, and
12. Office of the Emergency Head Nurse.
Triage will have primary as well as slave monitors for close observation and the shock room will be adequately equipped for an effective resuscitation, intubation and ventilation. The same area will double up as an Isolation Room with a negative pressure air circulation wherever required. It is designed to have a 2-minute access to digital X-Ray, Ultrasound, and CT Scan. In addition, a patient Waiting Area and counselling room will provide added comfort to the kith and kin.
The staff will be constantly trained with set protocols and processes to provide quick and effective care, keeping the “Golden Hour” in mind. The trauma code with an effective primary and secondary survey of the total condition by a team of well-trained specialists has proven to save lives and reduce disability, time and again.
Technology will be adequately upgraded for evaluation, diagnosis and continuous monitoring. The entire system, including the infrastructure, technology and upgraded processes will undoubtedly provide holistic timely care for all injuries including complex medical emergencies, brain injury, spinal injury and PolyTrauma.
Above all, this Centre will have a dedicated Operating / Procedure room to deal with life-threatening situations instantly without waiting or interrupting the schedule of the regular operating rooms. The holding area is being designed to accommodate 5 patients, geared up to deal with multiple emergencies at a time.
Responsibility towards the Society

It is the policy of the Centre to deal with every emergency with an intention to treat and save precious lives. Therefore, we will strive to not refuse patients on any other grounds barring the limitations of the Centre to medically deal with such situations. We would like to ensure that the person is stable before shifting them to any other Centre for advanced care.
All of this demands a dedicated heart and huge resources, to sustain itself. We look forward to your sustained participation and generous contribution to establish this one-of-its-kind TRAUMA CENTRE at Swaasthya Hospital in Madanapalle.