Sri M answers question on whether one can chant the Gayatri while one goes about one’s daily chores.
Sri M answers question on whether one can chant the Gayatri while one goes about one’s daily chores.
MoreSri M answers this question and dispels the myth that it is wrong for women to chant the Gayatri Mantra.
MoreSri M answers a question on the number of times the Gayatri Mantra should be chanted,
MoreSri M answers a question : “Can you tell us about the different types of Gayatri, the one usually chanted being called ‘Surya Gayatri’?
MoreSri M answers the question : Is it necessary to practice the rituals of the Sandhyavandana before chanting the Gayatri mantra?
MoreWhile the Gayatri Mantra is addressed to the visible sun, internally it is also directed at the absolute reality