All human beings have three gunas, attributes – Sattva, Rajas and Tamo guna.
All human beings have three gunas, attributes – Sattva, Rajas and Tamo guna.
MoreIf you don’t know yoga and you don’t get to a situation that is required to be a yogi, you cannot do anything for society.
MoreIn the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, yoga is defined as Yogas Chitta Vritti Nirodha.
MoreThe bliss and the fragrance that you seek is in your heart, inside.
MoreEven if we practice sadhana, it all depends on our intentions,
MoreAnanda is Happiness, bliss, not the bliss that is here today and gone tomorrow,
MoreDon’t identify your Atman with your mind, which gathers things,
MoreJoin us for a 3-day residential self-retreat on the “Essence of the Upanishads” at The Sacred Grove, Chowdepalle.
MoreYour body, mind, subtle body, comes and goes, birth after birth,
MoreThe Satsang Foundation is delighted to announce a two-day event exploring “The Concept of Shakti in Upanishadic Wisdom by Sri M.”
MoreShraddha is a very difficult word to define in English, as it is a Sanskrit word.
MoreAll enquiry starts when you say, I don’t know, I need to find out.
MoreMeditation is how to decondition your mind so you see things
MoreAt some point in our lives, we are all faced with sorrow, there is nobody who does not.
MoreThe word ‘kriya’ in Sanskrit simply means ‘a technique’.