You are keeping the room in order: sweeping it, cleaning it,
You are keeping the room in order: sweeping it, cleaning it,
MoreIn this life you have to be intelligent and logical and sometimes you should plan
MoreOne has to be patient. Each person moves and progresses on the spiritual path
MoreThe most important thing is sincerity and one pointed attention
MoreWhen you see spiritual traits appear in somebody at quite a young age
MoreIn India, when others were working on improving themselves technologically, economically, scientifically, there was a group of people in this country who were more into investigating into the mind and the inner workings of the human psyche.
MoreFor satsang there is no need to have a number of people..
MoreFrom 13th Jan to 26th Feb ‘2025, The Satsang Foundation is setting up its Yogadham at the MahaKumbh at Prayagraj, India.
MoreWomen’s health is uniquely tied to their role as bearers of life, and Ayurveda celebrates the divine aspects of womanhood by recognizing the distinctive channel within a woman’s body known as the arthavavaha srotas.
MoreIn yogic tradition, breath is considered the bridge between the mind and the body, and mastering pranayama is essential to achieving a state of calm and mental clarity. This practice is mentioned extensively in yogic texts like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, where it is considered one of the key limbs of Ashtanga Yoga.
MoreThis year, the Seva Utsav and Annadaanam is truly special as it pays homage to Sri M on the completion of 75 years. Teams of volunteers from each TSF centre and kendra in India and overseas are gearing up for a memorable celebration from 2 to 10 November 2024.
MoreThe way of exploring or understanding consciousness is different from linear understanding of objects.
MoreIf you say that I depend on God or the Supreme Being and ask for help
MoreThe Avadhootas and Mastans are said to be a category of spiritually advanced beings
MoreThe darkness of ignorance must go before one sees the Truth.