Mula’ which means ‘root’; ‘Adhara’ means ‘foundation’, support’. So, if you translate the word, it would mean ‘root support’
MoreSri M said…
Remove all the conditions that are there and remain in one essential state and this is the aim
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The Bhagvad Gita says wherever there is a manifestation of goodness,
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Look inside our minds and we will see we have hundreds of images and it’s because of these images
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At the end of the 18th chapter in Bhagwad Gita, Krishna declares, “Now that you have understood everything, relax. Let go and rejoice!
MoreWalk of Hope 2017 by Sri M – 2 symbolic Peace Walks in Berlin and The Hague
The Walk of Hope 2017 in Europe by Sri M consists of two symbolic peace walks in Berlin and The Hague in March 2017
MoreSri M said…
Imagination or visualization is a divine capacity given to the human mind
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The first chapter of Bhagwad Gita is ‘Arjuna Vishada Yoga’—it begins with the sorrow of Arjuna.
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The Buddhists use the term ‘paraa gati’ to mean ‘one who has walked across’ or ‘one who has gone beyond’.
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The ‘Tandav Nritya’ of Shiva is meant to free you from all the conditioning,
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The root sorrow is about the wrong identity. One thinks one is the body. Being body-oriented, one becomes vulnerable to sorrows.
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When we have to go to the core of our consciousness, we have to keep all these thoughts at bay.
MoreCelebrating Maha Shivaratri 2017 with Sri M – Registrations close on 24 January 2017
A gentle reminder that Maha Shivaratri 2017 registrations close on Tuesday, the 24th January 2017
MoreSri M said…
Practitioners of spiritual exercises should keep in mind that when you practice and go deeper and deeper,
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Sit down and meditate in your heart center and whenever such thoughts that are not related to the inner come, try to keep them away.