If the world were a complete obstruction to the attainment of spiritual fulfillment, the Supreme Being would not have created the world at all.
MoreSri M said…
In the deeper sense of the term, the consciousness, which is the ground from which all the thoughts arise, that is the real you. So to get back there, you have to allow the thoughts to quieten down.
MoreSri M said…
The Dhyana sloka in the Bhagvad Gita says: “Sarvo Upanishado Gaavo—all the Upanishads are cows; Dugdha Gopala Nandana—the one milks them is Krishna,
MoreSri M said…
The most important point stressed is the first qualification ‘Sarva bhuta hite rataaha’ meaning ‘one who has the welfare of all beings in his heart’.
MoreSri M said…
The best thing is to do your duties than not doing so. But don’t neglect your spiritual journey; keep to it seriously, so that when you are mature enough,
MoreSri M said…
I don’t believe that one can find the teacher. In my experience, and in that of various others, I have seen that it is not possible to find a teacher.
MoreSri M said…
The Absolute Energy, when in manifestation, when moving, is called Shakti. When it is not moving, and is in Absolute Rest,
MoreSri M speaks…
‘Bhaja Govinda’, on one hand, means ‘to chant the name of Govinda’. Now ‘bhajan’ is not just chanting, it also means to completely absorb oneself
MoreSri M said…
In that effortless state, when you realize that everything is.That you are not going anywhere. Everything is as it is without movement.
MoreSri M said…
The highest function of the intellect is to understand its limitations in the spiritual field; understanding its limitation is possible only if you have
MoreSri M said…
When the mind becomes quiet, which is the aim of all forms of meditation, one comes face to face with one’s consciousness.
MoreSri M said…
Based on what I have learnt from my experience, suddenly everything grinds to a halt and there is a blank
MoreSri M said…
To be truthful, there is really no little self. All the great sages who have gone deep into the question, “Who am I?”
MoreSri M said…
When the mind is absolutely still, when it is no longer engaged in what we call ‘worship’—where every worship has a worshipper and the worshipped
MoreSri M said…
Those who have transcended the external rites of religion should begin to look within to find the true essence. This is very essential