Vedanta says: when the mind understands its inability to reach out and find it, it finally rests or lets go; it surrenders,
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When it comes to enquiry, or going within and finding oneself, one has to discard a number of misunderstandings and illusions not only inside but also those
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An isolated understanding of something is a great detriment to the complete understanding of one’s self and the universe
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The Vedantin searching for the truth comes across a certain set of conclusions and says: “Now this cannot be
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The moment I go deep into my consciousness, my capacity to break the bonds with the past expands. I learn to break the fetters one by one,
MoreVideos | Talks by Sri M | An Introduction to the Vedas and the Upanishads
Veda means not only the ‘Samhithas’, but also the ‘Brahmanas’, the ‘Aranyakas’ & the ‘Upanishads’
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Practice kindness first. Even if it’s just imitation, it doesn’t matter. Imitating a practitioner of kindness is always better
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Spiritual life is not distinct from our day-to-day life. It is not that I do whatever with my life,
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I personally think all the ‘Sadhana’ that we do is to bring about the hunger for God, for that Truth.
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The mind is made up of thoughts and thoughts are always vibrating, moving. Sometimes up, sometimes down, constantly in motion.
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The result of ‘Dharana’ and ‘Dhyana’ is Samadhi’. ‘Samadhi’ is an altered state of consciousness wherein a person who meditates
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The Buddhists use the term ‘paraa gati’ to mean ‘one who has walked across’ or ‘one who has gone beyond’. Such a person is called ‘Bodhi’
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The Vedanta asserts that this basic attitude, this basic instinct to unite, comes from the fact
MoreVideos | Talks by Sri M | The Significance of Dhuni
Sri M speaks about Dhuni and the external & internal aspects of dhuni. The external dhuni is a custom which has been adopted for thousands of years
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Good and evil, famous and notorious, darkness and light, positive and negative, all are within the Supreme Being