The ultimate ‘ananda’ which is pursued by the yogis is not just sensory enjoyment. Even the ‘ananda’ of enjoying the body, which is full of bliss, that is also a sort of sensory but little subtle. As we proceed, we come to quietude which is greater than any of these.
MoreSri M said…
When we speak of our thoughts during meditation, it is impossible to control them and make them disappear.
MoreSri M said…
We are like the ocean and all our thoughts are just rising and disappearing into it.
MoreSri M said…
If you think of the thought process, you will realize when one thought is gone there is a gap before the next one rises.
MoreSri M said…
Now, the rishis and yogis who have gone into this subject have said that there is something called
MoreSri M said…
Thinking itself is the mind. When there are thoughts, automatically there is the mind.
MoreSri M said…
Best ‘satsang’ is to do meditation and ‘japa’, visit temples and holy places. But the mind still asks questions;
MoreSri M said…
Based on what I have learnt from my experience, suddenly everything grinds to a halt and there is a blank;
MoreSri M said…
Vedanta says: “Yes, the object exists, of course, but it may not be a cube or a globe or a cone or a rectangle
MoreSri M said…
Perception is always relative. It’s comparative. You can only compare.
MoreSri M said…
It is, in that utter stillness, the Truth comes into being. One understands one’s true reality. It is as if all the impurities,
MoreSri M said…
Suppose our instrument of perception, in this case the eye, is made like a telescope or a microscope, our view of the universe would be entirely different
MoreSri M said…
The most important kind of meditation is when a human being, one day, realises that the whole circus that is going on around him
MoreYoga Camp at The Riverview Retreat
We are pleased to share that from 21.11.2015 – 22.11.2015, we are inviting Mrs Zahabbiya Walbeek to hold a Yoga camp at the Riverview Retreat.
MoreSri M said…
The entire teaching of the body of scriptures called ‘Upanishad’ is regarding the kind of knowledge communicated into a mind,