KausalaM Announcement – February & April 2022

Yogah Karmasu Kausalam
Yoga is skill in action
– Bhagavad Gita. (Chapter 2 Verse 50)

KausalaM Yoga – An Intermediate level online Yoga course.

KausalaM Yoga is intended for regular yoga practitioners or for those who have been practicing Yoga M series and want to advance their personal practice and are striving to live life skillfully and without attachment.

Over the course of 10 days, participants will be introduced to

  • Four Mantras
  • 25 yogasanas
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Three Pranayama Techniques
  • Two Meditation Techniques
  • Basic theory on
    Streams of Yoga,
    Yogic Diet, and
    Nath Sampradaya

The course will deepen the practitioner’s understanding of body, breath, and mind connection.

February 2022

Weekday batch: 14th  to 25th February (ONLY Weekdays)
Batch timings: 7:30am to 9:15 am IST
Registration –  https://bit.ly/KausalaM-Feb142022

April 2022

Weekend batch: 9th April to 24th April (ONLY Saturday and Sunday)
Batch timing: 7:30 am to 9:15 am IST

Registration –  https://bit.ly/KausalaM-April2022

Contribution: INR 7000 / USD 135

Please note, submitting Registration form is mandatory.

The payment link and method are mentioned in the registration form itself.

Teaching Mode: Online (Zoom Platform)
Link will be sent to all registered participants.
In case of any queries, please reach out to us on bharatyoga@satsang-foundation.org

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.