Desire is the root of all sorrow. Nirvana is freedom from sorrow for all mankind.
MoreSri M said…
If you want to do something which you really love to do, you have to find time.
MoreSri M said…
We are always trying to become complete and better,
MoreSri M said…
The Vedantic understanding is that the only reality
MoreSri M said..
Mukti is a state of mind which comes when we begin to understand that we cannot free
MoreSri M said…
When all the movement of the mind, which is all the time moving and reaching out,
MoreSri M said…
Consciousness is a living entity and your emotions, thought processes,
MoreSri M said..
If you have a slate, every time you write on it,
MoreSri M said…
When you are in natural settings, not man-made,
MoreSri M said…
If you think that by gathering knowledge one becomes a great wise person,
MoreSri M said..
The world is a testing point. Therefore we need some periods of solitude
MoreSri M said…
If you say that I depend on God or the Supreme Being
MoreSri M said…
The ancient teachers said that there is a link between your breathing pattern
MoreSri M said…
Change has to come from within, it cannot be brought from outside.
MoreSri M said…
When a person has unquestioned faith in his own capacity for achieving a goal,