Yoga Vasishtha with Sri M

The Yoga Vasishtha is one of the most profound and influential philosophical texts in the Indian tradition, attributed to the great sage Vasistha. It is a dialogue between the sage Vasistha and Prince Rama, where Vasistha imparts wisdom on the nature of reality, the mind, and the path to liberation.


What is Guru Yoga?

Meditate on the teacher, but listen to the teaching. Certain amount of discipline is required. Especially, listen to the words that the teacher is saying and act accordingly. If you don’t, no matter if you do your kriya in sirsasana, nothing will happen. keep this in mind.


Why is surrender so difficult?

Krishna has also talked about surrender, but in the actual field of action, in the Kurukshetra war, he is asking Arjuna not to surrender his weapons but to take them up and fight because he is doing a rightful battle to protect dharma; therefore but he says surrender unto me.
