Walk of Hope in Gujarat | Program at Godhra

  • Date :

    15-17 September, 2015

  • Time :

    As per Program

  • Venue :

    Various, as per Program

The Walk of Hope 2015-16 will be in Godhra city from 15-17 September 2015. The 3 -day program planned for the city include a Sarva Dharma Prayer meeting, a Walk for Communal Harmony and Satsangs.

All are welcome and you are invited to participate with family and friends. There is no registration required or entry fee for any of the events of the Walk of Hope. All participants are requested to wear a white top for all the events in the city.

The Godhra city Program

Morning program

Walk into Godhra

Starting from : Tuva Road
End point : Godhra Town
Time : 6.30 am
Distance : 17 kms

Evening program

Sarva Dharma Prayer at Gandhi Ashram Shala, Godhra
Time : 7.00 pm

Morning program

Communal Harmony Walk with people from all faiths

From: Collector’s Office area
Time : 8.00 am
Distance: 2.5 km

Followed by an address by Sri M

Morning program

Walk from Godhra to Sant Road
Time : 5.30 am
Distance: 15 km

Satsang at Bhatia School, Sant Road
Time : 11.00 am

Evening program

Satsang at Sardar Nagar Khand, Godhra

Time : 7.00 pm

* Image Source, Credits & Courtesy : GodhraCity.com

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.