Message from Sri M on MyTree initiative by Manav Ekta Mission

Sri M The Satsang Foundation

Dear Friend,


May I introduce you to the MyTree initiative by Manav Ekta Mission.

The MyTree initiative seeks to fulfill Manav Ekta Mission’s aim of promoting sustainable living by encouraging planting of trees. To explain the concept, MyTree is inspired by the Sanskrit word – Maitri – meaning amity. This initiative promotes Manav Ekta (oneness of humanity) by encouraging an individual/community-led partnership to plant trees—a human alliance that ensures a sustainable relationship with nature.

In my experience, the act of planting a tree and taking care of its growth establishes an inner connection with nature. Understanding this inner connection results in our personal growth. Of course, by planting trees, we also create a legacy to leave behind for the future generations—a better world than we found it.

MyTree initiative uses two approaches – individual and group. The individual initiative involves a person planting a tree in the name of someone beloved—a friend or relative—or a notable personality, or to mark a special occasion. A group approach may be initiated by a cluster of individuals who are interested in conserving nature by planting a number of trees.

I appeal to you to participate in the MyTree initiative by first planting a tree or few trees individually in a place of your choice. You can then initiate a group approach with your friends and well-wishers from your neighbourhood or your workplace or bodies/associations you are part of.

The MyTree initiative can only succeed by your personal involvement wherein long-term maintenance of the planted tree/s assumes top priority. Let’s come together to make a better world!

With regards,


Sri M

You may visit or write to to know more about MyTree and join the initiative.

Please inform Team MyTree by registering the planting details at You can also write to or call +91 97409 92326 for registration.


Sri M’s Letter


About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.