When tragedy strikes, you can be a sitting duck or an Anjanapur
The hero’s journey of an unsung village from drought to desert.

Planet Earth, beleaguered by indiscriminate deforestation and the devastation of life and prosperity, calls out to us human denizens to reset the clock and rejuvenate our home through the conservation of trees and afforestation drives.
Read on as we unravel the journey of Anjanapur, a sterling example of human resilience and determination in response to this compelling cry for concerted action.
Staying the hand of destiny
Anjanapur, a quiet village harboring over 150 families, is located about 75 kms from Kopargaon in Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra. Until the spring of 2015, this insular village muddled along like any of its neighbours. Severe and protracted droughts visited upon them and threatened their livelihood and future, hurtling them towards imminent aridity. Down this path, there was only famine and starvation. The community had a choice to make; resign themselves to their fate or find their steel and rise to the challenge as one.
It’s a tree indeed who proves itself a friend in need
In April 2015, a group of 145 professionals, natives of the village, put their minds together to establish the Vruksha Vedh Foundation, with the motto of One Tree, One Life, promoting the planting of trees as a manifestation of blessings or ashirwaad, a promise of a greener future. The entire populace played its part in nurturing the tender saplings, protecting them with tree guards, and providing water and essential nutrients to promote their growth and well-being.
Trees become the currency of culture
A 145-strong committee could scarcely erect a few trees, much less revive the village and bring it to its present wealth of greenery. The community’s crowning achievement was its inculturation of trees into every aspect of life, making it a part of the social fabric, to the extent that they become markers of dignity and social standing. Intertwining social occasions with the sacred duty of reviving their ecosystem, the residents planted trees as a divine benediction on birthdays, wedding ceremonies, community festivals, and large-scale plantation drives – a tradition that persists to this day.
The multiplier effect of maitri with trees
With the arrival of the life-giving rains in the monsoon season, annual plantation drives are held during the month of July. Rallying together children, young National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers, students from Somaiya Mahavidyalaya, and the local community members in the spirit of civic responsibility and environmental stewardship, the volunteers of the Vruksha Vedh Foundation successfully conducted the 2024 plantation event from July 6-9 at Anjanapur and Ranjangaon Deshmukh and on July 13 at Kopargaon. 1371 precious trees were welcomed into the fold of existing trees.
Everyone wants in on the bounty
For 9 years till date, 15,013 trees have found their home in this vibrant environment, leading to a remarkable renaissance of the village into a verdant, flourishing sanctuary. Plentiful rain and burgeoning water resources have ensured the restoration of the agrarian economy and a harmonious existence in the lap of Mother Nature not only for Anjanapur but also for the neighboring hamlets. Its iconic status as an ‘eco-pilgrimage centre’ has helped inspire other villages in the vicinity to adopt its model of environmental consciousness and sustainable development.
Making friends in the right places
Vruksha Vedh Foundation is an integral part of the consortium of partner organizations of The Satsang Foundation under the auspices of the Aviral Godavari Mission and the on-going efforts in reforesting the slopes of the magnificent Brahmagiri Mountain in Trimbakeshwar, Nashik. Its saga of determination and unwavering endeavors continues to endure and inspire countless generations of volunteers across the country.
To know more about the MyTree initiative of The Satsang Foundation, please visit