An Update on the scheduled Kriya Initiation by Sri M in Nagpur


This is an update regarding the Kriya initiation by Sri M scheduled to be held in Nagpur on 26 July 2020. In light of the relaxing of the imposed lockdown and the opening up of travel avenues, we are hopeful of the possibility that the event might be able to go as per schedule, but with added restrictions and pursuant to the MoH’s safety guidelines.

An all-clear decision would be taken in the coming days, based on which the Registrations for the Nagpur Kriya Initiation can hopefully open on 26th June 2020.

Please note this would be confirmed in the coming days, and would be informed well in advance, after consultation & consent from all the concerned authorities.

We thank you for your patience.

Stay Safe. Stay Well.

The Satsang Foundation

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.