Sri M’s Upcoming Programs


Sri M in UK

17 – 23 July 2022

Topic: Satsang on ‘Wisdom of the Rishis’
Date : 17th July 2022
Venue : Sanatan Mandir, Leicester
To Register, please click here

Topic: Krishna’s Flute, Bhagavad Gita Here & Now – A Talk
Date : 20th July 2022
Venue : Nehru Centre, London

Event: A 3-day Workshop
Date : 21-23  July 2022
Venue : Slough
To Register, please click here

Sri M in Tamil Nadu

15 – 16  August 2022

Event: Satsang
Date : 15-16  August 2022
Venue : Music Academy, Chennai
To Register, please click here

Sri M in Maharashtra

26-29 August 2022

Event: Retreat
Date : 26-29  August 2022
Venue : Lonavala
Registrations : Registrations open from 15th July, 8.00 a.m.. Registrations open up to 22nd July 2022.
For details : Please click here

Sri M in Europe

15-21 September 2022

Sri M in France

Date: 15-16 September 2022
For details : Please click here

Sri M in Switzerland

Date:18-21 September 2022
For details : Please click here

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.