The Satsang Foundation, Australia Inc – the Satsang centre in Australia, is now open


The Satsang Foundation is glad to announce the formation of a centre in Australia, The Satsang Foundation, Australia Inc., registered in Melbourne. The centre will be an independent entity and will work under the guidance of Sri M.

The Australian centre, like Blossom Foundation in the United States will conceptualise and implement activities that bring true reformation and change in human minds for a better, more inclusive and truly united world. The centre will organize Sri M’s visits to the country and and also engage in charitable and cultural activities, extending a helping hand to the less privileged of society by cultivating the habit of living harmoniously within a broad spectrum of society with the purpose of finding the truth and essence of well-being.

The Satsang Foundation now has an independent presence in two countries, the United States – Blossom Foundation which was formed in 2016 and The Satsang Foundation, Australia Inc., came into legal existence in August 2018.

The Satsang Foundation has three legally formed centres operating within India, Delhi, Kerala and Mumbai. The office bearers’ information and contact email ids are provided. Please check The Satsang Foundation Centres section of The Satsang Foundation website for further details.

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.