“Under The Peepal Tree” is a series of dialogues between Sri M and the students and teachers of The Peepal Grove School. This interaction was held in early 2023 in The Peepal Grove School campus.
Honesty vs. Kindness: Is there a compromise?
Q: Isn’t it a compromise to be kind over being honest?
Sri M: I did not say that you should not be honest. I said kindness should play a larger role in life. You should be honest. You cannot gain anything materially through kindness. But you gain satisfaction. Kind people may be in the most difficult circumstances but they have a sense of peace. Animals are kind to their own kind, their young ones. When I am a human being, I need to go beyond that. I need to look after the neighbour’s child. When I am kind to my neighbour even if he is a terrible person, then I know my mind is expanding. If 2 people are kind and compassionate and think of others more than themselves, a 100 people who have bad intentions, cannot stand against them.
– Extract from Under The Peepal Tree| Part 4|The Peepal Grove School

Should the Upanishads be taught in schools?
Q: Do you think there’s value in teaching young children about Upanishads, or do you think we’ll find it on our journey?
Sri M: I think you will find it on your journey. I think you have been prepped and prepared for it. The sense that this is important has already come to you. It could be through me; it could be through school or it could be through teachers. The rest you have to decide because I am sure some children may not want to read the Upanishads.
– Extract from Under The Peepal Tree| Part 5|The Peepal Grove School
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