Update Your Profile on TSF Web-App – Action Required


Dear Friends,

The Satsang Foundation values your involvement and wishes to ensure you are well-informed about our latest news, updates, and endeavors. To facilitate this, we kindly seek your collaboration with regard to the following:

For Unverified Email Addresses

1. Access your TSF web-app account by visiting here.
2. If your email has not been verified yet, you will encounter a notification that reads “Your email confirmation is pending.” To proceed, simply click the “Resend Email” button to verify your email address.
3. Find the confirmation email within your Inbox or Spam folder.
4. Click on the provided “Confirm Email” link to validate your email.
5. Should this message not appear, it indicates that your email is already verified, allowing you to bypass this step.

Completing Your Web-App Profile

To maintain accurate records and enhance your engagement with TSF, we encourage you to update your profile through these simple steps:

1. Log into your TSF web app account.
2. Visit the Profile section to examine and revise the following information:
2.1 _Photo_: Upload a current digital image of yourself.
2.2 _Address_: Verify the accuracy of your postal address.
2.3 _Phone Number_: Provide a functional contact number. We will soon introduce a messaging service for specific updates via SMS or WhatsApp. Hence, ensuring your correct phone number is essential.
2.4 _Additional Details/ Volunteering Interests_: Please share your interests, skills, or preferences if you intend to volunteer.

For inquiries, concerns, or suggestions

Reach out to us at connect@satsang-foundation.org
Or call us at  +91 83339 81303 | +91 83339 81302 | +91 83339 81301

Thank you,

The Satsang Foundation

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.