Samvaad with Sri M

On 2nd October 2023, Sri M took more than 700 people who had gathered at the Dr. Kurtakoti Sabhagruh through a conversational journey exploring various themes of human life, elevated consciousness, and the inter-relationship with Nature.

During the Samvaad or conversation, Sri M interacted with the renowned actress Smt. Supriya Pilgaonkar, head of Colors Marathi Channel Shri Viraj Ashok Raje, and audience members.

The evening was also an opportunity to connect the audience with the deeper spiritual significance of the River Godavari in our lives and in our culture. After the Samvaad with Sri M, renowned actor Shri Chinmay Udgirkar, an active core member of the Aviral Godavari Mission, made a heart-stirring plea to everyone gathered to contribute their own efforts towards rejuvenating the Godavari.  The evening was topped off by the river anthem.

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.