The Vedanta asserts that this basic attitude, this basic instinct to unite, comes from the fact,
MoreSri M said…
Words are very powerful ! If somebody doesn’t know the language, they won’t understand a word,
MoreSri M said…
The first step of what we call self-realization is to realize what we actually are.
MoreSri M said…
The only way to study yourself, the only way to know yourself, the only way to realize yourself,
MoreSri M said…
This (examination to know thyself) is possible only in the midst of society.
MoreSri M said…
One has to carefully and vigilantly watch one’s self as one actually is,
MoreSri M said…
My Master said, “The first step is to understand yourself..
MoreSri M said…
Amongst the Sufis, there is a saying, which they attribute to Prophet Mohammed
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I am talking about what we think and how we act.
MoreSri M said…
An old proverb says: Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto your own understanding.
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When a spiritual teacher puts his disciples to the test, even the most exalted amongst them can fail.
MoreSri M said…
I am saying, deep down in our minds if we would only be ready to peel off the outer layers of dust
MoreSri M said…
Life moves. The problem is we would like to freeze it and hold on to it.
MoreSri M said…
We like to think of something the way we prefer it to be and not as it actually is.
MoreSri M said…
One of the deep-rooted illusions, which we all have, is the belief that we are going to exist forever.