Swaasthya Hospitals takes giant strides in revolutionizing Healthcare

Sri M’s vision of free, quality healthcare for all across barriers of class and caste is now coming to fruition as Swaasthya Hospitals spreads its wings across the rural settlements in and around Madanapalle. 

Since inception, the hospital has been holding free health camps to assess health needs of the rural poor in these settlements and finding out the best means to address them.  Several studies have revealed that significant sections of the rural population across the country are in the high-risk category for health issues primarily due to the lack of access to information and education around healthcare and hygiene.  These issues remain under-assessed, under-represented and unacknowledged mainly because quality care does not reach the interiors.

Just within the previous month, six camps were conducted benefitting 322 people from all walks of life.  From general screening to specific need-based camps like cardiology, dermatology, and oral health, these camps were both hospital based as well as outreach efforts to local communities in need.

The hospital is also tying up with service-minded organizations for outreach. For instance, on 3rd November a cardiac camp was held in association with Narayana Hrudalaya and R L Jalappa Medical College, Kolar. A total of 101 people walked in for consultations and four cases were identified for further treatment. 

It is also reaching out to assist NGOs rendering yeomen’s service to society such as the Kuraparthy Sai Chaitanya Orphanage, Madanapalle. At a health camp held there on the 6th of November, 102 children and support staff registered and had their vitals checked. Of them 42 came in for consultations for various ailments, predominantly cold, cough and fever. Medicines were also distributed free of cost.

While health needs were assessed and basic healthcare information provided, the Hospital acutely felt the need for further equipment and facilities to be able to provide treatment upfront instead of referring patients to other tertiary care hospitals that may be far from their homes, difficult to reach and unaffordable. Urgent requirements include a CT scan machine for diagnosis, a Computed Radiography machine for X-rays and Treadmill Tests and an Endoscopy Tower for facilitating general surgery, orthopedic and urology procedures.

Contributions towards the cause of acquiring top-notch infrastructure and equipment will be of tremendous help in reaching quality health care to the rural poor, primarily from tribal communities in Andhra Pradesh.  It will also facilitate Sri M’s vision for providing holistic healthcare across the board for all communities inhabiting settlements in and around Madanapalle.

To support the hospital, please write to us at connect@satsang-foundation.org.

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.