When the mind is free of distractions then it subsides into its original state
MoreSri M said…
It’s only in sorrow that the human mind generally thinks about God.
MoreSri M said…
Mindfulness means to be mindful of not only your thoughts but mindful of your emotions
MoreSri M said…
We are absolutely sure of the world.
MoreSatsang Jal Seva Sangatan – Securing our Water Future
While the Government of India has initiated large scale measures to course correct, we need micro-scale interventions – every sentient Indian citizen and conscientious organization will have to act.
MoreSri M said…
Your emotions should be directed towards achieving your goal, rather than in other things.
MoreBhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath)
Bhramari Pranayama – the benefits of this Pranayama are numerous and is considered as one of the important Pranayama, for these times.
MoreSri M said…
When you see things, then you are being mindful of your mind: that is called mindfulness.
MoreSri M said…
One who has control over his senses and emotions remains tranquil.
MoreSri M said…
You probably can operate even without the brain for some things; not for everything.
MoreSri M said…
The teacher need not be somebody whom you have imagined to be the teacher.
MoreSri M said…
It’s our flute which has to be emptied of all negativity
MoreSri M said…
We only know the impression of the object.
MoreSri M said…
Consciousness is all-pervading, Purna – complete, which we cannot define
MoreSri M said…
Every mantra is not suitable for everybody, take time to choose.