Jealousy, anger, fear, affection – these emotions may be different for different people,
Jealousy, anger, fear, affection – these emotions may be different for different people,
MoreWe invite you to join us on a special 21-day Yoga Journey, beginning June 1st and culminating on International Day of Yoga, June 21st.
MoreA good student becomes a good teacher.
MoreDialogue is when you and I decide, here is a problem,
MoreDon’t consider yourself to be limited to individuals.
MoreShanti starts from the mind of the individual,
MoreWhile you have to look after your body to keep it in shape physically and mentally,
MoreWhen Swami Vivekananda was asked in England, can you please define your master, he said, for some time he kept quiet, then he said, a speck of dust from those blessed feet could have created a thousand Vivekanandas, what more shall I say and keep quiet. This is Sri Ramakrishna for you.
MoreAyurveda,the ancient science of life and day to day living lays great emphasis on ‘Dinacharya’,or daily routines, for preserving the health of the healthy. Oleation of the body is an important aspect of Dinacharya, and is termed Abhyanga.
MoreSurya Namaskara is a profound practice that integrates physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions of yoga. It can be performed as a standalone practice or a warm-up before other asanas.
MoreWorking steadily on the hydrological system feeding into the Godavari, the Aviral Godavari team has desilted six ancient kunds and one well with minor repairs being carried out as needed.
MoreGoing within means for some time to stop all external movements
MoreThe scholastic year drew to a close in the month of April signaling the culmination of a series of Satsang Seva Mission (SSM) out-reach programs at municipal schools and shelter homes across cities
MoreThe students put up an annual Kalari show that is an energetic display of multiple levels of Kalari — Meipayattu, stick rotation, sword and shield fight, sword and bare hand fight and more.
MoreBe down to earth. By keeping your feet on the ground, much can be sorted out. -Sri M Vision The My Bhoomi movement stands as a beacon of environmental stewardship, dedicated to caring for Mother Earth, and tackling air, soil, and ocean pollution. Mission In its inaugural phase, the My Bhoomi movement has galvanized a dynamic paradigm to combat plastic pollution as a cornerstone of its mission encompassing sustainable living, […]