A brief talk by Sri M was followed by a Q&A session at the International Monetary Fund at Washington D.C., USA on the 5th of September 2018
A brief talk by Sri M was followed by a Q&A session at the International Monetary Fund at Washington D.C., USA on the 5th of September 2018
More‘A dialogue with Sri M’ took place, after he gave a brief introduction at The Center for Life-long Learning in Leisure World, Maryland USA on 31st August 2018.
MoreSri M is interviewed by Mr. Rahul about his (Sri M’s) first novel, ‘Shunya’ and his explanations regarding the main character that is Shunya.
MoreSnippets from Sri M’s Speech ( On Mindfulness – Inner & Outer ) at the House of Commons on International Yoga Day, 2018.
MoreTalk by Sri M – ‘Yoga – The Dynamic Science of Living’ – at The London Nehru Centre followed by a Q&A session.
MoreSri M speaks on ‘Mindfulness and Beyond’ in the Theosophical Society in Melbourne, where he visiting at present.
MoreTalk by Sri M on ‘Vedanta For The Modern World’ at IIC Delhi on 10th Jan 2018.
MoreSri M speaks on ‘Virtuous Leadership’ at The House of Lords, Palace of Westminster, UK during his recent visit to UK in October 2017.
MoreSri M speaks on the topic – “Search for Happiness According to Vedanta” at The Nehru Center, London
More“When you get a mantra from someone who has chanted it and attained siddhi in that mantra, when such a person gives you the mantra, a certain energy is put into it..” – Sri M
More“When you say spiritual, you should not get caught up in these matters. To be spiritual is to have a clear mind” – Sri M.
MoreSri M gives a brief but fascinating satsang on the Upanishads, with thought provoking questions answered at the end.
MoreThe video of Sri M’s talk at Bern, Switzerland, on 21st March 2017, with tandem German translation in the video.
MoreThis is a continuation of the Talk by Sri M – “The Spiritual Journey for You and Me – Day 2 Part 1”
MoreSri M discusses on whether spirituality is meant only for a certain section of people in Society