A 3-day Residential Satsang with Sri M in Gujarat

  • Date :

    15-18 April 2022

  • Time :

    As per Program

  • Venue :

    Ahmedabad, Gujarat


This Event will now be held from 15-18 April 2022

The Satsang Foundation is delighted to invite you for a three day residential Satsang with Sri M in Ahmedabad, Gujarat from 15-18 April 2022.

All are welcome.

Registrations will begin on Monday, 6th December 2021 at 08.00 AM and shall close as soon as the number of entries equals maximum capacity. There is a limitation on the participants and hence allotment will be on a first-come-first-allotted basis. Only registered/confirmed participants will be allowed to participate in the programme. No SPOT registrations permitted. Registration is non transferable and participation fee is non refundable.

Participation Fee (per person)

Participation is available under two options.

Option A

With accommodation – INR.19,750/- which is inclusive of :

  • Accommodation [3 in a room] for three nights [22, 23 & 24 February] at a prime hotel in Ahmedabad, which will also be the venue for the three-day Satsang.
  • Lunch, high tea, and dinner on 22nd February.
  • Breakfast, lunch, high tea, and dinner on 23rd & 24th February.
  • Breakfast on 25th February.
Option B

Without accommodation -INR.12,000/- which is inclusive of:

  • Lunch, high tea, and dinner on 22nd February.
  • Breakfast, lunch, high tea, and dinner on 23rd & 24th February.
  • Breakfast on 25th February
  • Participants under Option B will have to make their own arrangements for accommodation in Ahmedabad.

Apart from food and accommodation, the participation fee covers various expenses for the infrastructure arrangements required to conduct this event.

Covid Compliance

Only those who are fully vaccinated are eligible to participate in the Satsang. Confirmed participants will have to produce proof of vaccination when they check-in at the venue for Registration.

Further information will be communicated to confirmed participants.


Thank you for the overwhelming response. Registrations are now Closed.

You will be informed about the confirmation/allotment within ten days of submission of your registration form. We request that you kindly await our confirmation and avoid contacting us before ten days.

If you have any queries, you can email us at srimatgujarat@gmail.com

You may contact (only if necessary) the following persons:

Sri. Mahesh Prajapati : + 91 98201 24745 (between 10:30 AM to 06:00 PM IST)
Sri. Prashant Thacker : + 91 81418 88800 (between 08:30 PM to 10:00 PM IST)

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.