Dear Supporter,
Your kindness and generosity has helped us in the toughest times to serve the underprivileged and needy. Your support has been invaluable and though words are inadequate, we express our gratitude for your constant motivation.
As we move to the end of this fiscal year, we are delighted to share that The Satsang Foundation has partnered with GiveIndia, one of the most trusted giving platforms. Give India is providing us with a very significant opportunity to raise funds, scale our impact and help more lives. Swaasthya Hospital at Madanapalle, India is under construction and we are in need of funds to complete the project.
Not only your donations get matched by GiveIndia, but you are also eligible for tax benefits on the amount donated when you contribute to us by visiting the Swaasthya Hospital GiveIndia page .
You can donate now in three currencies
– Indian citizens can contribute in INR
– UK citizens can contribute in GBP
– US and citizens of any other country can contribute in USD
Tax Exemptions & Benefits
For Indian Citizens
– Since GiveIndia is an 80G registered not-for-profit organisation, all Indian donors contributing in INR will be eligible for an 80G tax exemption
– The Satsang Foundation : All donations to The Satsang Foundation are exempt from Income Tax U/S 80 G of the IT Act. You can also click here to donate
For Overseas Citizens
– Since Giving Impetus to Voluntary Efforts is a registered charity with the Charity Commission of the UK, all UK taxpayers donating through the platform are eligible for Gift Aid benefits
– Since Give Foundation Inc., USA is a 501(c)(3) registered charity in the US, all US taxpayers contributing through the platform are eligible for the 501(c)(3) tax exemption
We look forward to receiving your generous contributions to make Sri M’s vision a reality.
Start a Fundraiser
You may also choose to start a fundraiser for us by following the same link and help us in reaching out to more people, thereby amplifying the impact that we aim to create.
Looking forward to your valuable contributions to help us make a more significant impact in the times to come.
Let’s rise by lifting others!
Thank you!
The Satsang Foundation