Postponed | A Walk for Unity and Peace by Sri M in Jammu and Kashmir

  • Date :

    21 November 2019

  • Time :

    10.30 am

  • Venue :


Sri M is embarking on a Walk of Unity and Peace in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, 21st November 2019 (Subject to Government approval). The six kilometre walk in the heart of Srinagar, in Sri M’s own words is meant to restore the innate spirituality of the nation – rekindling true faith and rejuvenating the spirit of hope, love, peace, harmony and oneness.’

The Walk is scheduled to set off at 10.30 a.m. on 21st November and will culminate at 12.30 p.m. with a prayer meeting at Tagore Hall, Srinagar.

The Event has been postponed for a later date

Sri M’s Message about the Walk for Unity and Peace

The Government has played it’s part in integrating the state of J&K with the rest of the country. Now it’s the duty of citizens like you and me to clear the misunderstandings of the people of J&K and prove to them that they are an integral part of this great country, no matter what religion they belong to and will be treated as equal in all respects.

We would also invite the Kashmiri Pandits to go back without fear to their ancient land and reestablish their bonds with fellow Kashmiris there, convincing them that once more we can bring peace and prosperity to this beautiful State.

With this intention we the Manav Ekta Mission, consisting of a cross section of the citizens of this country irrespective of caste, Creed or religion are planning a Walk of Unity and Peace in Jammu and Kashmir on 21st November 2019.

We invite all like minded citizens of this country to join us in large numbers for the walk and get together.

We appeal to intellectuals, NGOs, social workers and responsible members of the media to help us in our efforts and perhaps walk with us.

Thank you and Namaskar.

Sri. M.

All are welcome to join the walk.

More information about the Walk will be published very soon.

About The Satsang Foundation

The Satsang Foundation, founded by Sri M, is a meeting point for spiritual seekers of all persuasions. The Satsang Foundation also extends a helping hand to the less privileged of society.