The Satsang Foundation volunteers in Coimbatore partnered with the children of Kaumaram Prashanthi Academy at Chinnavedampatti, Coimbatore to plant about 85 saplings on 15th July 2016. The children of the academy, about 100 in number, are affected by intellectual disabilities such as cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, autism etc.
Kaumaram Prashanthi Academy (run by Kaumaram Prashanthi Trust) is a school for children with different abilities based in Coimbatore. The school has gained recognition for transforming lives of the children, by enabling education and empowering them based on their intellectual, physical and emotional requirements.
The MyTree initiative by Sri M seeks to fulfill Manav Ekta Mission’s aim of promoting sustainable living by encouraging planting of trees. MyTree is inspired by the Sanskrit word – Maitri – meaning amity. This initiative promotes Manav Ekta (oneness of humanity) by encouraging an individual/community-led partnership to plant trees—a human alliance that ensures a sustainable relationship with nature.
The event was blessed by the presence of the Swamiji from the Kaumaram Matalayam, which has provided the school with free land. The founder of the school, Deepa Mohanraj, enthusiastically supported the event and provided necessary help from the school staff.
Two individuals who deserve special acknowledgement on the occasion are Professor Vivek and Mr Vincent – they wholeheartedly supported the project by sharing valuable knowledge on natural farming, low budget tree plantation and maintenance methods. Professor Vivek demonstrated the methods of preparing microbial solution, digging of pits and using vegetable waste and moist leaves for making manure.
The trees planted in the school premises included Pongemia Pinnata, Peliophorum Petrocarpum, Kigelia Pinnata, Mimusops Elengi, Bauhinia Purpurea & Tabebuia Argentea. Following their planting, the school takes care of the saplings by watering them with microbial solution once in 3-4 days in order to ensure their healthy growth.