The Satsang Foundation values your involvement and wishes to ensure you are well-informed about our latest news, updates, and endeavors.
MoreSri M said…
Cultivate Satsanga to keep Dursangha away.
MoreSri M said….
We are not seeking the external. We are seeking the essence of our being,
MoreSri M in Toronto, Canada | 19 October 2023
Blossom Foundation is pleased to announce Sri M’s maiden visit to Canada this Fall. Sri M will be in Toronto on 19 October 2023 at
Pearson Convention Center
Sri M said…
We are all walking, talking, thinking temples because That God,
MoreSri M said…
When you sit and listen to or take part in a satsanga, keep your mind clear and open.
MoreSri M said…
Kriya is not the only sadhana done to reach the Supreme.
MoreUpcoming Yoga Courses from BYVK | September-October 2023
Bharat Yoga Vidya Kendra announces Yoga courses for September-October 2023, designed under the guidance of Sri M.
MoreSri M said…
Smriti is that which is memorised, remembered, thought-about and understood.
MoreSri M said….
Shruti is that which when heard gives you the truth immediately.
MoreSri M said…
Dialogue – Samvada is you and I, looking at a problem together
MorePOSTPONED | A Colloquium on Yoga in Life Sciences & Beyond with Sri M
A Colloquium on Yoga in Life Sciences & Beyond on 23rd & 24th September, 2023 in Trivandrum, Kerala.
MoreSri M said…
Is there something which never changes, which is real and never goes away,
MoreSri M said..
When you have a body properly nourished and fed then it also contributes
MoreSri M said…
Sangha means a group of people coming together who have the thirst to find out the Truth.